The Darkest Part of Internet- The Porn
Porn is one of the most addicting thing, towards which nowadays most of the youth are attracted to.This Dark part of internet has captured almost all youth's brain part.I do respect the rights given by a particular country to their people and I know that there are countries in the world where watching porn is not illegal.There are also many countries where watching porn is illegal ,but we all know that there are many people who get access to porn sites even if they are banned in their country.There maybe many things with the help of people of such countries get access to such sites for eg:-VPN,etc.
But here let's talk about what Hinduism says on watching porn and all.If you directly try to look around what hinduism says on watching porn, you may not get a correct answer in such case.Today I will try to answer your question based on my knowledge. But lets first see what science says about watching porn.
- What Science says about watching Porn
Porn can give a short-term pleasure to our mind and this pleasure is so much addictive that we try to attain this pleasure again and again.In the long term, pornography seems to create sexual dysfunctions, especially the inability to achieve erection or orgasm with a real life partner. Marital quality and commitment to one's romantic partner also appear to be compromised.This neurotransmitter, most often associated with reward anticipation, also acts to program memories and information into the brain. This adaption means that when the body requires something, like food or sex, the brain remembers where to return to experience the same pleasure.Instead of turning to a romantic partner for sexual gratification or fulfillment, habituated porn users instinctively reach for their phones and laptops when desire comes calling. The scenes of Porn are like addictive substances that leads to high level of Dopamine secretion.And this type of excess dopamine secretion is not good for our health.
Porn not only makes the people addictive to itself, but it also makes people get addicted to masturbation. Now I will not talk here about Masturbation since I have wrote a specific article on this topic and if you want to know what Hinduism says on Masturbation, then here is the link to that article-
- What does Hinduism say on Watching Porn
In Hinduism, sex is not considered as a sin. Masturbation is not actually somewhat a sin, but to know more about it, read the article link given above.Now lets talk about porn?Is watching porn a sin?Yes actually it is. If you are masturbating imagining some other girl, then thats also not right as the Hindu religion says that we should consider other women as our mothers as should see them with lusty eyes.I know now many people would say how can we see any teenage girl as a mother, but I would suggest that if you could not see them as your mother, see them as your sister.
The following words by Vinayaka to Parashurama clarifies that viewing pornography is a sin
Whether out of carnal desire or otherwise, if a person sees another person inclined to sexual intercourse, he shall have to suffer certainly separation from his wife in the course of seven births. He is a base man—he who looks at the buttocks, breasts and face of another man's wife, his mother, sister or daughter.
[45-46,Chapter 41: The story of Bhargava(continued), Part II, The Brahmanda Purana]
In Hinduism, seeing other women with lusty eyes is actually a sin and if you are watching porn,that means you are trying to gaze the pornstar with your lusty eyes.I know its actually hard to get rid of porn addiction, but if you are addicted to it and if you want to get rid of this addiction, I would suggest you a Youtube channel named Manthanhub who will help you to get rid of porn addiction. If you know Hindi, I am hereby pasting few youtube videos links below. The video is of a normal teenage boy who is addicted towards porn and how he gets rid of this problem.It a very nice series.I don't remember, whether it contains English subtitles or not, but do try to watch that series named "Kaliyug ka Kaamdev".
Kaliyug ka Kaamdev part 1-
Kaliyug ka Kaamdev part 2-
Kaliyug ka Kaamdev part 3 -
So if you have reached till here by reading this article, then read the last line and I guarantee you that if you read those words loudly You will get a lot of punya.