Dark Truth Of Bollywood
Hi everyone,let me just first tell you whatever opinion I am telling about Bollywood here is just my opinion and yours opinion may be different.If anyone gets hurt by my opinion then I am really very sorry.From this article, I am just keeping some of my views on Bollywood before you.
Bollywood is one of the biggest film industry and I know that its not necessary for me to inform you its popularity and its influence on the people.People even treat these Bollywood stars as Gods. But most of the innocent people don't even realize how these Bollywood films just defame their religion.Many people don't even understand when some of these bollywood films defame their religion in the front of their eyes in the theatre and most of the people just take it as a mode of entertainment.Many people think that its just made for entertainment and not for defaming any religion.Just think that if these things are made only for entertainment,then just do comment down here that why only our religion is used as mode of entertainment in these films?Is our religion a thing which can be potrayed in any way as a mode of entertainment by others?
If you want to use our religion in the entertainment sources like telivisions and ott,then you can shoot shows like Ramayan and Mahabharat and show them to the people and I do accept that there are shows like Ramayan and Mahabharat,but there are many other movies where ,in the name of entertainment,our religion is just defamed eg:-PK where you really know that how Shivji is potrayed there.Just imagine,he is Devon ke Dev Mahadev and he is shown like that.There are many such Controversial things related to this movie.Let me highlight one more point.The movie says why to waste so much milk on the Shiva Abhishek,instead give that milk to the poor?.If this is a queation being arised then let me ask those people who are asking such questions that why do you people spend money on travelling to different places like Singapore and Europe.Just give that money to poor.See how helpful would it be to the poor.Ok now what happened,not able to accept my suggestion?Yaa now I know many of you would answer that we travel to Foreign countries just for our entertainment and to free our mind for some time from this stressful life,so just listen to me also that we also do Lord Shiva's puja to show our devotion(Bhakti) towards our Lord.Moreover by praying to Him,our mind also becomes stress free and we do pray to him to make our life happy.So in short I can also say here that I do Shiva puja to keep me happy as you people just travel to Foreign countries as your source of happiness.Let me clear one more thing that if we are offering milk to Lord Shiva ,then that is not wastage of milk.Many people say that milk should be given to the poor instead wasting the milk on doing Shiva Abhishek.Let me make it clear that,once the milk has been offered to Lord Shiva,that same milk is given to the people only in the form of Prasad(Prasadam).So see ,we have made it more advantangeous for people.Instead of giving normal milk to people ,we made it Prasadam and then gave it to the people.
I have many things to say about the bollwood but I would not like to make this article more big than this.I would write a part 2 on this article depending on your responses.One more point I would that I would like to Highlight is some of the songs in Bollywood like the Radha song in which we all know that how Mata Radharani is just potrayed very wrongly in this song.Many people would say that 'Radha' name is just used normally as its necessary to use any name and therefore used that name.But to that people I would say that please just think,if in this song instead of 'Radha' if the song makers had used any Religious figure of Islam or other religion ,then just think what would have had happened till now.That film would have been banned right then.I am not saying any other Religious figure's name should have been used here,but I am saying that these filmmakers should avoid using any Religious names.But the Film makers also know that only Hindu people are the people who have a high level of tolerance as well as they are those people who can easily made fool of and they forget things very easily.Do remember guys, Tolerance power is good but out of limit tolerance is bad.When something wrong is happening around us ,we should fight against it instead of tolerating it.
At last I would like to say is,
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare