16 Sanskaar in Hinduism
There are 16 Sanskaars in Hinduism which should be followed in every house.In this Kaliyuga its rare to find a house where all these 16 Sanskaars are followed.Many people don't know only about these 16 Sanskaars.Here's a list of the 16 Sankaars that should be followed in every house according to Hinduism.
1.The family members of a house should Always eat betal leaves especially womens of the house
Reason:-The reason behind this is because of Tambool(Betal leaves),your house will always be blessed with wealth and Good luck.Goddess Lakshmi's blessings will always be there with you
2.After going to washroom,you should never enter the house or do puja without Washing your feet
Reason:-Because not washing your feet will increase your chances to get more influenced by Kaliyug.
3.You should never sleep on the bed with wet Feet.
Reason:-Beacause if you sleep with wet feet on the bed,it gives an open invitation to the poverty and your negative thoughts gets motivation from this kind of act.
4.You should never sleep at a place where you are alone
Reason-By following this your fear about your enemies will be lessened.
5.The Students of the house should not sleep extra time
Reason:-Beacuause if students sleep more than needed then they will not be able to study well.
6.Don't sleep at a place where there is full Darkness
Reason:-Because if you follow the above sanskaar you will not get influenced by dark energies
7.Never sleep at Cemetary areas i.e the Shamshaan Bhoomis(Some Youtubers do it for experiments which should be not done actually)
Reason:-Beacuse by sleeping at the cemetary areas,people give a chance for themselves to get influenced by the Negative energies.
8.You should never eat on your bed
Reason:-Beacuse by eating on bed,you gets a luck to become unhealthy and get a death.
9.You should never sleep without wearing clothes
Reason:-Because sleeping nirvastra(i.e without clothes) is insult of Lord Mahadev(Shiva).
10.It is necessary to clean your mouth after eating food.
Reason:-Because this does not let the germs causing unhealthiness to enter your body.
11.Never sleep by placing your head towards the Northern Diretion.
Reason:-Because if you sleep by placing your head in Northern Direction then automatically your feet will be towards the Southern Direction and keeping feet in the southern direction means insulting our ancestors who lives in the south and its also insulting of Lord Kaal Bhairav(One avatar of Lord Shiva).
12.Don't sleep by keeping your head towards the west.
Reason:-Because if you sleep keeping your head towards the west,it results in increasing of worries.
13.Students should sleep by keeping their head towards east.
Reason:-Because who keep their head towards east and sleep they can easily aquire Knowledge.
14.All people excluding the students should keep their head towards South and sleep.
Reason:-Because whoever keeps their head towards south and sleep,they can easily aquire Wealth,Knowledge,Long life,Health and Victory.
15.While sleeping at least in one prahar(One prahar it is a combination three hours) you should sleep facing towards right.
Reason:-Because this will help you get a good and deep sleep and whoever gets to sleep a deep sleep they are always happy.
16.All should wake up in Brahma Muhurat(between 3:30 am to 5:30 am)
Reason:-Because waking up at Brahma Muhurt helps you breathe Fresh Air.By breathing fresh air you will get a long life to live and you will remain healthy.