Types of Moksha in Hinduism
Moksha simply means becoming free from the cycle of Birth and Death.Moksha is the last and final aim of this human life.There are four stages of life that is Dharma,Artha,Kaam and the last and final one i.e the Moksha.This World is a ocean of sorrows and suffering.So if you want to Quit this world the only option is to attain Moksha by which you will not take rebirth in this material world.According to Hinduism,one who attains Moksha Then never comes back to this world.
According to Hinduism there are four types of Moksha that we can attain.We attain any one of these Moksha according to our wishes.
Types of Moksha:-
Salokya is a type of Moksha in which living being becomes free from the cycle of Birth and Death and attains a residence in The planet of The Supreme God.In short you get to stay in Lord's abode if you attain this type of Moksha
In this type of Moksha you get to have personal association with the God.Same as Arjun got personal association with Shri Krishna as a friend.
In sarupya mukti the individual gets a form just like God’s. In the Vaikuntha realm there are planets where the Supreme Lord resides in a beautiful, four-handed form. The other residents get an almost identical form. With this liberation you are basically just like God, with the shrivatsa a distinguishing factor; only God has this mark.The Shrivasta mark was given to God by a Brahmin and therefore God cannot give you that.You can only attain that with the help of a Brahmins Grace.
In this liberation a person attains opulences just like the Supreme Lord. One name for Him is Bhagavan, which means a person who possesses all fortunes. He has beauty, wealth, strength, fame, wisdom and renunciation simultaneously, and to the fullest degree. The person who has attained liberation has a chance to get some or all of the same opulences.
5. Sayujya
This is merging into the effulgence of the Lord. That energy at the collective level is known as Brahman. In the Bhagavad-gita Shri Krishna describes how the living entities are Brahman. They are already part of this energy, but in the conditioned state they don’t realize it. As a result they go through the cycle of birth and death.
Sayujya is the liberation where the living entities escape from the illusion of maya and enter into the Brahman effulgence. The distinction with this kind of mukti is the loss of identity. There is no chance for interaction or activity. It is a kind of stateless existence.
But do remember that Bhakti is far better than Moksha.Pure devotees of Lord never wishes for any types of moksha.The only thing pure devotees wishes are Bhakti of Lord and not mukti.
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